Sunday, July 10, 2016

Meet the Ladies!!!

Words can't even express how thrilled I was with the horses that ended up on our trailer! All of my top choices were mares, so no surprise here, I came home with 3 lovely ladies! Here are our new additions! Keep checking back to see the individual progress for everyone!

Love On The Rocks


Current Age: Yearling
Approximate Date of Birth: March 1, 2015
Color: Bay
Date Captured: November 2015
Range and Location: Beatys Butte Range and Lakeview, Oregon
Necktag: 3478
Freezemark: 15023478
Confirmation Analysis: Roxie has nice long straight legs! She is already bigger then most of the two year olds at the Sale. We REALLY liked her height, and how well proportioned she is already. She has very nice feet! Also, her coordination and movement at her young age caught our eye.
What's Special About This Mare: The first thing we noticed when looking in the yearling pen was this mare and her sass! She was clearly the boss out of the five horses she was with. She was running everyone around, biting them and kicking them when they didn't follow her orders! Her inquisitive, bossy personality as well as her beauty and fuzzy ears made her a top choice for us!
Miss Roxie

First Touch Day: June 20, 2016
Necktag Removal Day: June 26, 2016
First Halter Day: June 26, 2016
Picking Up Feet:
Successfully Leading: 
First Saddle:
First Ride:

Carolina Gold Rush


Current Age: 2 Years
Approximate Date of Birth: January 29, 2014
Color: Chestnut
Date Captured: January 29, 2015
Range and Location: Humboldt Range and Lovelock, Nevada
Necktag: 2801
Freezemark: 14022801
Confirmation Analysis: Ruckus has that "apple butt" which we love! She is not overweight but rather built in the back similarly to a draft horse despite her small size. She uses her hind end very nicely! She seems to have hoof issues on the right front, almost a club foot. Nothing drastic enough to discourage us from liking her, but something to be aware of.
What's Special About This Mare: Similarly to Roxie, we like Ruckus' sass. Her extroverted personality made her inquistive, even at the sale! While she didn't exactly coming running up to the round pen panels for attention, her curiosity caught our attention! Her big Apple Butt and extroverted personality put her at the top of our list.

First Touch Day: June 20, 2016
Necktag Removal Day: June 26, 2016
First Halter Day: June 27, 2016
Picking Up Feet: July 3, 2016
Successfully Leading: 
First Saddle:
First Ride:

Bottle It Up

Current Age: 6 Years
Approximate Date of Birth: January 1, 2010
Color: Bay
Date Captured: December 15, 2012
Range Location: Little Owyhee Range and Winnemucca, Nevada
Necktag: 4066
Freezemark: 10224066
Confirmation Analysis: Rhapsody is built more like a thoroughbred than any other horse that was at the auction. She's got an absolutely excellent front end! Her hind end is nice, she simply needs more muscle back there! She also has a nice scrape on her front right canon bone.
What's Special About This Mare: The first thing we noticed about this mare, aside from her stunning confirmation, was her skiddish and concerned personality. Her personality plus the cut on her leg made her a risk. This mare was the reason Mallory didn't sleep at all the night before the auction. Mallory debated all night long whether or not the mare was a wise choice. Something inside told her that she couldn't walk away without that mare. We are excited to see how she turns out!

First Touch Day: June 28, 2016
Necktag Removal Day:
First Halter Day:
Picking Up Feet:
Successfully Leading: 
First Saddle:

First Ride:

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