Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Sale

The BLM sale came through Cornell University in Ithaca, New York which is about 30 minutes north of us. Watch the short video that the Ithaca Journal published regarding the sale.

Top Choices For The Auction

When we arrived at the sale, we were shocked at how small it was, there were only about 23 horses and 7 Burros available for adoption. People at the auction commented on how small the sale was compared to other years.
When shopping for a horse, you can never have too many opinions from other professionals. We chose Mallory's riding instructor, Gloria Cassetti and a current veterinary and farrier student at Cornell, Nick Ruocco. Gloria came to help assess the horses all around: personality, height, confirmation, feet and everything else. Nick stopped through to tell us if anything negative stood out to him about our top choices.
When we felt as though we had 10 top choices that we were satisfied with, Gloria left and we went around grabbing necktag numbers, basic information about the horses and getting pictures of them for reference later.
We returned to the sale shortly after midnight.  People had camped out the night before to ensure they got the horse they wanted. We were number 6 in line!
As the morning came and people started showing up (around 5:30 or 6:00 am) we started talking to everyone. It seemed as though there wasn't much conflict of interest between us and the other people in line.
When it was our turn, we walked into the office, gave them the necktag numbers and the office staff wrote us up an application for adoption!

We came home with:
#4066, 6 year old bay mare.
#2801, 2 year old chestnut mare.
#3478, 1 year old bay filly.

Necktag #4066

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